WSR: #6: January 23rd-30th 2022
Reading/Writing but not executing (rw-)
Published: January 30, 2022
| Reading Time: 3 minutes
This week was relatively light on research. A lot of my time was spent on developing other skills that will apply to other research down the road. One thing I have really been enjoying is going through various textbooks and taking notes on them. In college I could never get through their old out-dated material but going through SANS, nostarchpress, or other various textbooks can be very fun and rewarding if you’re reading about material you actually enjoy. Do you have any questions? Feel free to reach out to me on twitter. See you next Sunday. :)This Week’s Recap
Spoofing youtube for fun and profit: An examination of punycode for phishing.
It’s shaping up to be a combination of a lot of research I’ve done over the past year or so about phishing.1/27/2022
Spoofing youtube for fun and profit: An examination of punycode for phishing.
Spoofing youtube for fun and profit: An examination of punycode for phishing.
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